
Play video Hypertension in China

Hypertension in China

Topic: Health Series: Health
In the last 10 years the proportion of people with high blood pressure in China has almost doubled – from 10 to over 18% of the population. A key contributing factor is...
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Play video Identifying Bacteria on Video Link

Identifying Bacteria on Video Link

Topic: Health Series: Health
Tackling bacterial diseases requires rapid, accurate diagnosis and prompt treatment with antibiotics. But many countries lack the skills and experience needed. The Academic Medical Centre in Amsterdam has developed a special camera which...
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Play video Virtual Dissection Tables

Virtual Dissection Tables

Topic: Health Series: Health
Medical students at Imperial College, London, are doing anatomy training with a giant touch screen computer and a 3D scan of the human body. The Anatomage table allows students to view the...
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Play video Inflatable Operating Theatre

Inflatable Operating Theatre

Topic: Health Series: Health
Surgical training is a long and complex process and is especially difficult in poorer countries. Professor Kneebone of Imperial College has come up with a low-cost, portable, simulated operating theatre developed to...
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Play video X-Halo


Topic: Health Series: Health
  Each year, 250,000 people die as a result of asthma, but many of these deaths could be prevented. Studies have indicated a correlation between the onset of asthmatic episodes and a...
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Play video Zoonotic Diseases in Cambodia

Zoonotic Diseases in Cambodia

Topic: Health Series: Health
At least sixty percent of all emerging infectious diseases start their life in animals. These zoonotic diseases, as they are known, are a particular problem in Asia. Two French organisations are monitoring illnesses in...
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Play video Parasites and the Immune System

Parasites and the Immune System

Topic: Health Series: Health
  Biologists at the University of Edinburgh are investigating how parasitic worms could offer a cure for modern maladies. Countries that have largely eliminated parasites are now seeing a rise in allergies and...
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