
Play video Kidney Disease in Nigeria

Kidney Disease in Nigeria

Topic: Health Series: Health
Kidney disease is on the increase in Nigeria due to changing lifestyles. There is a chronic shortage of trained healthworkers and the equipment needed to be able to deal with this disease;...
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Play video Mental Health Care in Cambodia

Mental Health Care in Cambodia

Topic: Health Series: Health
People suffered immense trauma in Cambodia during the Khmer Rouge rule. But as recently as 1993, there wasn’t a single mental health professional in the country. With support from the University of Oslo,...
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Saving People's Sight in Guatemala

Topic: Health Series: Health
UNSN Comfort is a military hospital ship deployed to Latin America on a five-month humanitarian mission. Just like any hospital, it has operating theatres and wards for general and special surgical care. Staff perform...
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Play video Ultrasound Surgery

Ultrasound Surgery

Topic: Health Series: Health
Doctors at Churchill Hospital in Oxford are carrying out clinical trials to destroy cancerous tumours without the use of surgery. David Atwell, a keen tennis player, was recently treated for kidney cancer with...
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Play video Tsetse Fly

Tsetse Fly

Topic: Health Series: Health
Tsetse flies, the blood-sucking insects that transmit the potentially fatal sleeping sickness disease, are usually found in Sub-Saharan Africa. But a large colony can currently be found at the Institute of Tropical...
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Play video The Gulper

The Gulper

Topic: Health Series: Health
Only 10% of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s biggest city, is connected to the central sewage system. The pit latrines often over fill and emptying them is infrequent, dangerous and unhygienic. Water Aid...
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